2231–4202  (Print)                
2249–9970  (Online)             
Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal

JPAST is a Peer Reviewed & Refereed biannual multidisciplinary journal starting from July 2011. Articles are invited for Dec 23 issue.
Volume 8, Issue 1, Pages 61-65, January 2018

Study of Shock Wave in Non-Ideal Gas

Dr. C.V. Singh

Department of Physics, Agra College, Agra, U.P., India.



One dimensional propagating gravitating gas behind a shock wave propagating in a uniform non-ideal gas at rest is investigated. The equation of state in the suitable form for ideal gases is found to be much accurate and the equation of state for non-ideal gas is considered as given by Landau and Lifsitz.

Keywords: Shock wave, Non-ideal gas.

Full Paper

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