The RF Stimulated DC & Magneto Conduction Processes In Geo-Rock Crystals Granitoids – Pawan Kumar, M. Mittal , R.Swarup and Vaibhav Jain
The RF Stimulated DC & Magneto Conduction Processes In Geo-Rock Crystals Granitoids
Pawan Kumar*, M. Mittal# , R.Swarup# and Vaibhav Jain**
*Deptt. of Physics, AS college Sikandrabad, 203201 (U.P.)
#Deptt. of Physics, DS College Aligarh – 203001 (U.P.)
**Deptt. of Physics, DN college, Gulaothi -245408 (U.P.)
The gold bearing mineral from Bundelkhand region neighbouring district Lalitpur develops good dc as well as magneto-conductivity under radio frequency excitation. The granitoid crystals G-4 & G-6 well get in four probe Hall geometry to record the ohmic as well as magneto potentials under radio frequency (2-5.2 MHz) excitation and magnetic field 4, 6 KGauss has been studied and their electrical carrier concentrations ‘n’ with 5 MHz and magnetic field, H=14 KGauss had been computed. The MRF excitation in Geo-Rock crystals seems to impose semiconductor synthesis, since electrical carrier concentration ‘n’ comes out to be of the order of 1014 per cc.
Keywords: Granitoid crystals, Four probe Hall geometry, MRF excitation.
Dielectric And Piezoelectric Studies Of PLZT Prepared By A Novel Method – Hari Mohan Singh, A.K. Sharma and Anil Govindan
Dielectric And Piezoelectric Studies Of PLZT Prepared By A Novel Method
Hari Mohan Singh*, A.K. Sharma* and Anil Govindan#
*DAV (P.G.) College Bulandshahar, Uttar Pradesh,
#MMH College Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh
The dielectric and piezoelectric studies were carried on La doped Lead Zirconate Titanate PZT (PLZT) ceramic prepared by the method of homogenous precipitation. The material showed better dielectric constants and piezocoefficients compared to the solid state sintering method. The important point is the fine particle size and hence sintering at lower temperature. The dielectric behavior is typical of polar dielectrics with a perovskite structure. The PLZT samples with 8 % La exhibits the maximum figure of merit needed for under water sonar applications.
Keywords: Zirconate Titanate, perovskite structure.
Early Childhood Caries : A Dental Form Of Health Care Neglect – Manish Goel, G. Venkanna Babu and Manish Sharma
Early Childhood Caries : A Dental Form Of
Health Care Neglect
Manish Goel*, G. Venkanna Babu** and Manish Sharma#
*Professor, Department of pedodontics and preventive dentistry,
Maitri College of dentistry and research centre, Durg, (C.G.)
**Senior Lecturer, Department of pedodontics and preventive dentistry,
Maitri College of dentistry and research centre, Durg, (C.G.)
#Professor, Department of prosthodontics,
Sardar Patel institute of dental sciences, Lucknow (U.P)
A child is defined as a young human being below the age of full physical development. A child is dependent on his parents or caretakers for the entire physical and mental wellbeing. Any aberration in the parent’s attitudes towards the child results in abuse and neglect of the child. Dental neglect can be indicative of a wider welfare picture of child neglect and abuse and is the most prevalent form of health care neglect especially in India. Failure to seek or obtain proper dental care may result from factors such as family isolation, lack of finance, parental ignorance, or lack of perceived value of oral health. Early childhood caries, a form of dental caries, can occur any time after teeth eruption and may occur in infant or children with frequent and prolonged exposure to liquids rich in sugar especially at night. Neglecting early childhood caries can lead to pain, infection, loss of tooth and function which can adversely affect activities necessary for normal growth and development of an infant or a child. At present , dental neglect is a field especially related to early childhood caries that has received little direct attention. Collaborative working both between dental and other child caring disciplines is necessary to deal with this problem. Pediatricians and other child health care professionals can have a major impact on prevention of early childhood caries by early intervention.
Keywords: Dental neglect, early childhood caries, dental caries, child neglect.
Bluetooth Specification In Wireless Environment – Alok Goel, Dilip Kumar and Shomil Bansal
Bluetooth Specification In Wireless Environment
Alok Goel*, Dilip Kumar* and Shomil Bansal*
* MIT, Bulandshahr, U.P., India
‘Bluetooth’ is a technique of Wireless Personal area network (WPAN) specially designed to support portable, mobile computing devices and a variety of consumer electronic equipment. The Bluetooth operates in the 2.4 GHz industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) radio band. Bluetooth radio characteristics include low power, short range and medium transmission speed. Bluetooth chips are already available and early applications include cordless connections from mobile phones to laptop computers and wireless headsets. Since May 1998 the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) has steered the development of the technology through the development of an open industry specification, including both protocols and application scenarios, and a qualification program designed to assure end-user value for Bluetooth products. This paper introduces the Bluetooth wireless technology and its applications and provides a concise description of its air interface, architecture, protocol stack and security.
Keywords: Pico net, Scatternet, Ad hoc networking, Security.
Generalized Theorem on Multivariable H-function Transform – Harendra Singh and O.P. Chaudhary
Generalized Theorem on Multivariable H-function Transform
Harendra Singh* and O.P. Chaudhary**
*Dept. of Mathematics, M.M.H. College, Ghaziabad
**Dept. of Mathematics, Sunder Deep Engineering College, Ghaziabad
In this research paper, we obtain an interesting theorem involving multivariable H-function transform. This theorem is quite general in nature and capable of giving a number of new, interesting and useful results. The results obtained by Chaurasia and Gupta are special cases of main finding.
Keywords: H-function transform.
Algal Flora Of Saline Habitats, Kaprla – Bhoj Raj Odhwani
Algal Flora Of Saline Habitats, Kaprla
Bhoj Raj Odhwani
Department of Botany, J.N.V. Univesity, Jodhpur
Blue-green algal forms are being enumerated, collected from saline habitat of Kapria village-Rajasthan.
Keywords: algal forms, saline habitat.
Pollution Status of a hypertrophic fresh water pond of district Mirzapur – Yashodhara Sharma and Rashmi Jaiswal
Pollution Status of a hypertrophic fresh water pond of
district Mirzapur
Yashodhara Sharma* and Rashmi Jaiswal
*Associate Prof., Deptt. of Zology, HNB Govt. P.G. College, Nani, Allahabad
Fresh water Pond selected for present study is situated in the village Manguri which belongs to Chetganj town area of district Mirzapur. It can be referred as hypertrophic pond as it receives various types of waste from surroundings, such as agricultural run off (containing non-biodegradable pesticide and fertilizers) household or domestic waste, soap and detergents and organic waste (cow dung) load along with temple garbage. This pond has been studied for pollution with special emphasis on physico-chemical characteristics. The level of pollution was found to reach the maximum during summers. The pond water contains high level of pH, Alkalinity, BOD & COD. Total suspended solids, Dissolved solids, Nitrates, Phosphates & heavy metal Chromium also exceeds the permissible limit.
Key words: Hypertrophic, Non-Biodegradable.
Impact Of Security In 3G (3rd Generation) M-Commerce Applications For B2B & B2C Operations – Avdhesh Gupta and Dr Pankaj Madan s
Impact Of Security In 3G (3rd Generation) M-Commerce Applications For B2B & B2C Operations
Avdhesh Gupta* and Dr Pankaj Madan#
*Research Scholor, GKV Haridwar
#Associate Professor, GKV Haridwar
Security challenges, security risks, and security implementations within 3-G M-Commerce is the main issues in this paper. Here, the attention will be paid to see the impact of security of 3-G M-Commerce applications on B2B and B2C operations. Further, by describing the current state of security within 3-G M-Commerce, the paper will show the pitfalls that need to be corrected. It is further envisaged to propose an ideal 3-G M-Commerce system that will overcome these pitfalls and provide optimal security and better quality without degrading the new technology to the point of uselessness. The work is aimed at addressing the issues related to the security of B2B & B2C operations in 3-G enabled M-Commerce so that we will have a positive effect on India’s economic and social development.
Keywords: UMTS, M-commerce, B2B, B2C.
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Fluoride Distribution In Ground Water Of Godwar Region In Pali District – Dr. Sangeeta Parihar
Fluoride Distribution In Ground Water Of Godwar Region In Pali District
Dr. Sangeeta Parihar
Assistant Professor,Department of chemistry,
Jodhpur Engineering College and Research Centre
Jodhpur National University,, Narnadi, Jodhpur
Physico-chemical analysis of ground water of the Godwar region, was performed to have a clear picture of water quality of the area so that the remedial measures could be work out for high fluoride concentration, which may cause osteoporosis and fluorosis. Fluoride concentration of groundwater samples from twenty stations of Godwar region (Bali and Desuri Tehsils) of Pali district of Rajasthan was determined. In the region the maximum fluoride concentration is recorded 4.8 mg/l in the ground water of Dungrasani Bali.
Keywords: fluoride, ground water, fluorosis.
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Development of carrot pomace and wheat Flour based cookies – Navneet Kumar and Kshitij Kumar
Development of carrot pomace and wheat Flour based cookies
Navneet Kumar* and Kshitij Kumar**
* Agricultural Engineering Department,
Rastriya Kisan (Post Graduate) College, Shamli, Muzaffarnagar
**Sir Chhotu Ram Institute of Engineering and Technology, CCSU, Meerut
Carrot is the excellent source of â carotene and other vitamins. The carrot is utilized as raw, cooked vegetable, sweet meats or as juice and beverages. Carrot pomace is the by-product of carrot juice extraction process. The carrot pomace was dried in hot air oven at 65°C and then grinded to pass through 2 mm sieve. Dried carrot pomace was added in different proportions (0 –9%) to fine wheat flour, shortening, sugar and water. The formulation was baked at 175 °C for 12 min. in the gas oven with air circulation. The moisture content of cookies was measured using hot air oven method. The hardness was measured using a texture analyzer (TA-XT2) with the cutting probe in compression mode. The colour of both the sides of cookies was measured using a Hunter’s lab color analyzer. The sensory characteristics for colour, taste, aroma and texture were analyzed using Hedonic rating test by ten panelists. It was observed that moisture content varied from 4.03 to 4.79% with an average moisture content of 4.41%. The average L*, a*, b* values ranged from 51.535 to 61.206, 11.205 to 15.595, 31.65 to 35.27 with average values of 55.3275, 13.84625 and 34.18375 respectively. Maximum change was observed in L* value followed by a* and b* with respect to control sample. The hardness was ranged from 41.047 to 116.1N with an average value of 81.499N. It was further observed that moisture content, hardness and L*, a* values increased with the increase in proportion of carrot pomace in cookies, whereas no pattern of change was observed in b* value with change in proportion of carrot pomace. Sensory score of all the cookies ranged from fair to very good; whereas the cookies with 6% dried carrot pomace proportion got the highest score. The study indicated that the carrot pomace could be incorporated into ready-to-eat bakery cookies up to the level of 6% as a source of vitamins and dietary fiber.
Keywords: Carrot pomace, Wheat flour, Texture, Colour, Cookies, Sensory.
Effect Of E-M Field On Hall Coefficient Of ZnTe Thin Film – Vaibhav Jain, Ruchi Agrawal, Abhijit Kulshrestha and A. K. Sharma
Effect Of E-M Field On Hall Coefficient Of ZnTe Thin Film
Vaibhav Jain*, Ruchi Agrawal#, Abhijit Kulshrestha* and A. K. Sharma#
*Deptt. of Physics, Jodhpur National University, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, 324001
#Deptt. of Physics, D.A.V.(P.G.) College, Bulandshahr, UP, 203001
Thin film of ZnTe was prepared by vacuum evoparation method. The variation in Hall coefficient RH of prepared thin film was recorded with electromagnetic field of different frequencies (5-15 MHz with 1MHz steps) with 10mV and 15mV amplitudes. The statistical analysis of obtained data was done by R-software which showed that the value of Hall coefficient decreases significantly with increment in frequency of E-M field.
Keywords: Vacuum evaporation method, Hall coefficient, R-software.
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