- Manuscript (MS) should be with covering letter, copyright transfer letter and List of reviewers (optional).
- Article processing fee should be submitted with MS.
- Submitted papers should not have been published elsewhere or being currently under consideration by any other journal.
- Manuscript (MS) should be in English and print copy (duplicate) on A4 sized papers, only on one side, with 1.8” Top, 2.4” Bottom and 1.4” margin on left and right sides with soft copy in CD in MS-word or PM-7 should be submitted. Kindly keep the total number of pages as even.
- Articles for consideration are to be directed to the Managing director.
- If author(s) are more than two then every additional author should subscribe the print version of the journal.
- Last date for submission of articles is 30th April for July issue and 31st October for January issue.
- The layout of the MS should be :
- Title of the Paper, Author(s) Name and Address, abstract (nearly 200 words), Keywords (5-6), Introduction, Materials and Methodology, Results and Discussion, Appendixes, Acknowledgements and References.
- The title should be centered across the top of the first page and should have a font of 14 points Arial font. It should be in a bold font and in lower case with initial capitals.
- The authors’ names and addresses should be centered below the title. These lines should be 8 points Arial font.
- The abstract should summarize the content of the paper. Try to keep the abstract below 200 words. Do not have references or displayed equations in the abstract. It will be set in 9-point Arial and italic font with 1.8” margin on right and left side in justify format paragraph. It will be at one line space after name and address of authors.
- Form about 6 keywords, which should follow the abstract. They will be set in 9-point Arial font after ‘Keywords:’ after abstract with same margin as abstract.
- The text of document is set in 10-point Arial font with single line spacing. Paragraph should be in justified format and put 6 points space before and after each paragraph. Paragraph should start without Tab.
- Major headings are to be started at the left-hand margin in a 10-point Arial bold font without underline. They need be numbered. “1. Headings”.
- Subheadings should be as “1.1 Subheadings” in a 10-point Arial bold font without underline in upper case. They should start at the left-hand margin on a separate line.
- All equations must be typed or written neatly in black. They should be numbered consecutively throughout the text. Equation numbers should be enclosed in parentheses and flushed right. Equations should be referred to as Eq. (X) in the text where X is the equation number. In multiple-line equations, the number should be given on the last line.
- Figures, Photos or drawings must have a good contrast of dark and light. Legends of figures should be brief, but complete and self explanatory, so that the reader can easily understand the results presented in the figure. These must be sent in JPEG format separately.
- Each table must be given with a brief but complete and self-explanatory caption so that the reader can easily understand the results presented in the table.
- All tables and figures must be given sequential numbers (X=1, 2, 3, etc.) as ‘Fig. X:’ below the figure and ‘Table X:’ above the Table. They must have a caption above the table after ‘Table X:’ and below the figure after ‘Fig. X:’, using 10-point Arial normal font in lower case with initial capitals without underline and must be centered. Every figure should follow the related table in the right place in text. Every figure must be given in JPEG format with high resolution.
- Contents of the ‘Table’ should be in the format of paragraph as in instruction no. 14 but spacing before and after paragraph must be 6 pt..
- Appendixes, if needed, appear before the acknowledgment.
- Insert acknowledgment, if any. Sponsors and financial support acknowledgments are also placed here.
- Citation of references should be as given below in 9 points Arial font and in text they must be cited by their number in [] in sequence as they appear in paper:
For Book : [1] Name Surname; “Book Title”, Press, Place, Year.
For journal paper : [2] Name Surname; “Journal Paper Title”, Journal Name, Vol. X(Y), pp. xxx-xxx, Year. DOI: xxxxxxxxxx (if available)
For project/thesis : [3] Name Surname; “Dissertation Title”, M.S. or (Ph.D.) thesis,
Department, University, City, Country, Year. DOI: xxxxxxxxxx (if available)
For confer. paper : [4] Name Surname; “Conference Paper Title”, Conference Name, Vol. X(Y), pp. xxx-xxx, Year. DOI: xxxxxxxxxx (if available)
For website : [5] Name Surname; “Journal Paper Title”, Journal Name, Vol. X(Y), pp. xxx-xxx, Year. URL(website address)
* Y denotes the no. of issue for that volume.
25. Use SI units and Standard symbols and abbreviations.
26. For further information see the latest copy of the journal.
27. Authors are responsible for obtaining permission from the owners of the copyright while reproducing any material which has already been published elsewhere.
28. Send your MS submission to: VAIBHAV JAIN, Managing Director, Jain Villa, HIG-526/1/3, Near Old Water Tank, Avas Vikas First, Bulandshahr-203001(U.P.), India, Ph.:-09897850584, E-mail:- jain74vaibhav@gmail.com, md@nlss.co.in .
29. For Fee contact Vaibhav Jain (9897850584).