2231–4202  (Print)                
2249–9970  (Online)             
Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal

JPAST is a Peer Reviewed & Refereed biannual multidisciplinary journal starting from July 2011. Articles are invited for Dec 23 issue.
Volume 7, Issue 2, Pages 1-8, July 2017

Defluroidation of Drinking Water by

Different Techniques

Sangeeta Parihar1,* and Raina Jadhav2

1,*Department of Chemistry, Jai Narain Vyas University, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India

2Department of Chemistry, IPS Academy Indore, MP, India.

Fluoride has been reported as a health affecting substance by health organization. Fluoride in water may be beneficial and detrimental depending on their concentration and total amount ingested. The permissible limit for of fluoride is 1.0- 1.5 mg/l. Fluoride greater than limit is toxic and is associated with dental fluorosis. The flurosis is caused by oral intake of fluoride when drinking water contain more than the permitted concentration of fluoride. The amount of fluoride is increasing day by day in water samples. So, here in this research paper a comparative study has been done of the water sample containing fluoride is present in the recommended limit or not. The defluoridated is done by the mean of precipitation adsorption or ion exchange method. The comparative result is reported in the research paper.

Keywords: Fluoride, Adsorbent, Fluorosis, Defluoridation Methods.

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