2231–4202  (Print)                
2249–9970  (Online)             
Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal

JPAST is a Peer Reviewed & Refereed biannual multidisciplinary journal starting from July 2011. Articles are invited for Dec 23 issue.

‘Journal of Pure and Applied Science & Technology (JPAST)’ is a bi-annual, multidisciplinary, international, peer-reviewed, refereed, Open Access journal starting from July 2011. It publishes original papers, rapid communications, technical notes and review articles, and discussions about all interdisciplinary aspects of Sciences and Technologies to increase the depth of the subject across disciplines with the ultimate aim of expanding knowledge of the subject.

In addition, ‘JPAST’ provides a particular place, and an advanced forum, for contributions on natural hazards, geology-related environmental problems, reflecting the wide scope and societal, educational, cultural and in general, human implications of the cross-cutting nature of the issues. The journal ‘JPAST’ particularly welcomes original articles reflecting the local or worldwide growing materials as well as common critical problems and interests. Review articles, case reports and letters to the editor in the scope of ‘JPAST’ will be accepted. The journal ‘JPAST’ also recognizes the importance of emerging technologies and encourages papers on new areas.

‘Journal of Pure and Applied Science & Technology (JPAST)’ aimed at teachers and trainers, which seeks to provide situations for communication between the authors of the texts (researchers, trainers and teachers) and the wider educational community, to develop the spirit of critical inquiry and action for the discovery of relationships between the knowledge created by the author of the text and knowledge of readers about the realities that coexist and in which they operate. ‘JPAST’ contribute to the education of physicians, technologists, and other relevant specialists and to provide an opportunity for the exchange of scientific information for national and international  community. ‘JPAST’ will also issue special numbers on more technological themes from the different areas of general interest in the industrial world, which may be used as practical cases. JPAST brings the working world reality closer to the learning at University.

The aims of ‘Journal of Pure and Applied Science & Technology (JPAST)’ are as follows:

* To provide a venue for promoting greater visibility for young researchers who normally face difficulties when attempting to publish their first articles and/or works related to topics that have not yet been consolidated in traditional publication venues.

* To create opportunities for dissemination of articles that have stemmed from thesis, dissertations, term papers, and papers presented as requisites for course conclusion in the fields of science and technology. It also provide a venue for the publication of academic works which are directed towards methodological studies and interdisciplinary applications.

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